It has been a week. I finally put a couple of pictures on my computer and after going back to sleep twice this morning, getting up for real at noon with an exploding diaper to take care of, screaming older brothers to quiet, and a kitchen full of broken crackers and Hershey Kiss wrappers I realized I'm in this for good. Life as a mom of four has begun.
Cohen Axel Hardman was born last Saturday, Oct. 1, at 2:45 AM. I can honestly describe my experience as enjoyable. I went to a birthing center this time around and it was completely different than the hospital. I loved the freedom of doing whatever I felt was best for me and though my OBGYN sister was a little a concerned for our well-being not at a hospital, it all turned out really, really well.
Cohen was 9.1 pounds and 22 inches long, a big, healthy boy. Since we've been home I have loved holding him, and have been surprised at his mellow personality so far. Although he looks exactly like his brothers, he is the first I would ever describe as mellow. I hope it will continue. I even called Sonny from the car the other day just to relish in the fact that I was driving with the baby in the car and there was no crying from the car seat. That's never happened before with our Hardman boys.
I know I have a lot of craziness ahead of me, but right now I am happy and very grateful for the chance to be a mom-again. Welcome to our home Cohen.
Wow what a beautiful baby boy, I believe, it's your 4th, right? Congratulations on the new Hardman family member. The lady friend of mine whom, I've grown quite fond of has four boys, she's divorced and a single mom having to struggle with all that on her own. I admire her strength and how hard she tries to make the best of what she has. Take care, Carolyn! Good luck, for I believe the best is still yet to come for the Hardman family!