My friend picked these beautiful roses from the bushes in my yard. As she arranged the blooms and placed them on the black baby grand (on loan from my parents), sunlight streaked through open blinds into the room. The magazine-like scene sent my brain spinning and FINALLY I thought it would be a perfect metaphor to write about on my sadly absent blog. After taking several pictures, I started thinking of subject lines.
"Looking at life through rose-colored glasses!"
"Hardman Car Company's new rosey outlook on life"
"Roses are red, violets are blue, The Car Salesman's wife's optimistic view"
"Trimming back can bring brilliance- all it takes is time"
"Every rose has it's thorn, just like every car lot has it's sad, sad, recession"
My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by my friend shouting, "CAROLYN! Sheep are eating your roses!" I ran out the back door to find about 15 of my neighbors sheep lined up in assembly like fashion munching on tasty crimson rose bushes that line my fence. I shouted, yelled, and ran after them, shuffling them through the gate my son had left slightly ajar. My poor bushes took a brutal beating from the beasts and the perfume smell that was there just moments before was now replaced with the wretched stench of sheep poo.
The "blogger block" that has plagued me for the past few months quickly found its place back in my heart as I walked around the yard shoveling up the piles of "stank". It wasn't until tonight, as I mowed my lawn, looking at my sorry lot of once magnificent flora that I realized what a perfect metaphor this story is to a car salesman's wife recently.
Like the beautifully displayed blossoms on my piano, many things have been exceptional in the past few months. AND- like the stinky beasts that took away my exceptional blooms and dropped a bunch of crap on my yard, many things have been frustrating, sad, and annoying in the past few months.
Overall though, I must remember roses always come back and like life, it is worth it to prick myself on their thorns a few times in order to enjoy their beauty.
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