Friday, September 25, 2009

The question

Every time I introduce myself to someone new, or talk to someone I'm not very close with, the first question they ask is; "Oh, so how are car sales doing in this economy?" It is always asked with a look of sympathy. A small cock of the head, an intense "I really care about you" look accompanied with a hand on my shoulder and a pat of support.

My response? It changes with the month and the person that's asking the question. I was taught that whenever someone asks about your business you should always answer positively. I usually do- something like, "We're doing pretty good." or "This was a great month!" or "Sonny does a really great job.". All of these answers work but as news of the falling car industry increases, it is a little more difficult to navigate an appropriate answer. I know the person asking already perceives our family struggling to make ends meet and I know that they are probably ready to hear a sad story. Lots of times I wish I could answer with something like, "We are doing Awesome! Economy, shonomy- it sure hasn't effected us. In fact, we're thinking of expanding!" (Of course I would use my most enthusiastic voice and possibly throw my arm up in the air to emphasize "Awesome" a little more.) but besides coming off a little cocky, it would not be very true.

My true answer? "It's been tougher. We aren't selling as much as we were last year. We feel lucky though, we are still in business. We can pay all our bills and we are lucky to have lower overhead than lots of other dealerships." I guess that's the truth. This past year has absolutely been stressful. We've made changes in spending like most every other person I know but, that is probably a good thing.

We are glad our dealership is in Lehi, a place Sonny feels especially connected to. We are happy to be a part of that community and hope we'll stay there for a long time.

My wish is that things will turn to the upswing for all of us effected by this financial disaster and soon all of our answers can be "Awesome!" accompanied with our arms exuberantly shot up in the air and maybe a few spirit fingers thrown in.

1 comment:

  1. I give the spirit finger to Sonny all the time. He just gives it right back. You down with HCC? Yeah you know me!!
