"AHH, Grayson hit me!!" Asher yelled while holding his cold, pink nose with woolly mitten covered hands. Tears were falling. An apologetic older brother stood close by with a broken children's snow shovel that we've "borrowed" indefinitely from the neighbor.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry. I can't help it- the wind keeps grabbing the snow and making me do it." I glared at Gray, dropped my adult snow shovel, and crouched down to look at Asher's face.
"It looks okay, I bet you'll be just fine in a little bit." I told him while prying away his hands from the injured spot. "I know it hurts honey, but Grayson really didn't mean to do it."
Asher finally looked up at me and started crying harder. "Is it bleeding?!"
"Well yours is!"
I thought I felt something.
On Saturday morning there was a fresh layer of snow covering the yard, driveway and sidewalks. With Sonny already out the door and cleaning up the car lot, I knew it was up to me and the kids to get the snow moved from the walkways. Still dressed in pajamas, the boys were happy to go outside in the new winter wonderland. I handed each of them a toy shovel or rake, grabbed the big shovel myself and headed out the door.
I thought this would be a good opportunity for them to do some service. One of my goals for the month was to do extra service and to give my children service opportunites. Earlier that week we put some secret Santa baskets together for a few families that could use some extra help. The kids were pretty excited with gathering everything and wrapping the packages, but after we had to drive for almost an hour to hit all three houses, they were done with secret Santa. In fact the last one I did by myself. I snuck the presents onto the doorstep, rang the bell and narrowly escaped getting caught by sliding on my bum behind a tree. The kids sat in the car and watched "Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer". Cranky kids at the end of the night, didn't seem like a service experience success. Hopefully scooping snow would be better.
Grayson quickly started shoveling the front sidewalk, anxious to do the work, but without much training. He scooped the snow forward and then threw the shovel up in the air- making the newly scooped snow fly everywhere. I just let him enjoy himself and was glad he was out trying to help. Until, one of his scoops flew up into my face. It nailed me on my nose, causing me to yell out a short- GRAYSON!- and then place my tear streaked face in my hands. It hurt, but being strong, as all mothers must do when they actually want to scream and yell and pout just like a child, I told him "it's okay" and continued.
I didn't check my face until Asher said, "Well yours is!" A small gash opened the skin on my nose, and a few scratches by my eye and mouth finished off my want to share service with them. It was time to go inside. I was frustrated. My month's goal was not working out so well.
Sunday morning greeted us with even more snow. Inches falling down by the second, making my efforts of the previous day meaningless. We bundled up and jumped in the car (grateful for a 4wheel drive) to attend church and worry about the snow later. It was on our way home when I saw a group of six teenage boys, armed with snow shovels, that I felt a renewed effort to pursue my goal. With smiles on their faces, these boys chose to spend their Sunday afternoon scooping people's driveways. Braving the cold weather to serve others instead of taking naps and watching football games. As I watched them, I realized that in about 8 years, one of those boys could be my Grayson.
With tears in my eyes once again, I asked Grayson what service we should do today. He quickly responded, "I need to set the table for you mom, and I think I'll smile at a stranger."
"Sounds great." I gave him a kiss on the cheek as Sonny walked out the door. Bundled in snow gear, he was ready to join the senior class president and plow the neighborhood's driveways.
I love this post, Care. I need these reminders of service, love and forgiveness this holiday season as I've been feeling rather bitter as of late. Stupid airline! Love you.
ReplyDeletep.s. It's Amber--the site won't let me post any other way but anonymous tonight.